"The function of music is precisely that of a fetish, of some fascinating presence which function is to conceal an anxiety, an opium for the people to help alleviate an unbearable anxiety"
- Slavoj Žižek
Like their old material, but with the addition of ambient keys reminiscent of Burzum. Forteresse are certainly at the peak of the Canadian black metal scene.
Thou are touring with Wolves In The Throne Room. The material they've put out this year is apparently quite impressive, and although I haven't checked it out yet, if it's anything like last year's Summit, then great things are expected.
I saw Gorguts. It was rad. Certainly the best death metal show I've seen in a good long while. The venue was tiny, and the crowd was comprised of a tiny but dedicated fan base.
Obscura is my favourite Gorguts album. I love the production, the odd & innovative guitar-work,the direction they decided to take the band at this point, and it features my favourite Canadian vocal performance. An obscure death metal classic-pun sort of intended.
Demo Material is ace too. Gorguts may just be the most consistent band in the genre, and yes, I am including Immolation.
Track: . . .And Then Comes Lividity (intro) + Haematological Allergy